hidden experience audio
The focus of these audio interviews is the deeply personal challenges of UFO contact. There is a Patreon series with the same name, hosting special content for members. This podcast is hosted by Mike Clelland.
Sunday Mar 18, 2012
Arthur C. Clarke and multiple UFO sightings
Sunday Mar 18, 2012
Sunday Mar 18, 2012
Arthur C. Clarke claims to seen UFOs, and potentially more than a few of 'em. This is a short audio essay where I link together a few clips from Dr. Leo Sprinkle and Clarke himself. The implications are curious.
Only six minutes long.
Tuesday Mar 06, 2012
Rosemary Ellen Guiley / interview
Tuesday Mar 06, 2012
Tuesday Mar 06, 2012
Rosemary is one of the rare experts on wide range of paranormal phenomena. She's authored more than 50 books on wide range of occult, spiritual, and mystical topics. She has been a full-time researcher since 1983, and her present focus has been inter-dimensional entity contact experiences (including UFO abduction accounts), problem hauntings, Shadow People, the Djinn and portals or geographic areas of intense paranormal activity.
During our conversation we attempt to avoid the tiny boxes that confine too much of the research, instead we speculate about the meta-phenomena that could be at the core of the many divergent experiences. We jump from the Djinn to UFO abduction to owls and faeries.
Thursday Feb 16, 2012
owls and sychronicity with Micah Hanks
Thursday Feb 16, 2012
Thursday Feb 16, 2012
Micah Hanks invited me to talk about owls and synchronicity on his GRALIEN REPORT podcast. We both bat around the owl meme and what it might imply. I share a few of my owl experiences and Micah tries to interpret their meaning. We spoke for about 45 minutes, and that conversation is logged on the audio-file below.
Thursday Feb 16, 2012
Darryl Anka / interview
Thursday Feb 16, 2012
Thursday Feb 16, 2012
Darryl Anka claims to have direct contact with a higher dimensional being who goes by the name of Bashar. This ability was set into motion by two close UFO sightings in 1973.
This stuff is easy to parody, but I take it seriously. It seems like I'm one of the few individuals that will acknowledge that channeled information is interwoven into the overall UFO phenomenon. There is an unmistakable pattern of people who claim the direct contact experience who will also say that they channel.
Monday Feb 13, 2012
Jordan Maxwell / syncronicities and reptilians
Monday Feb 13, 2012
Monday Feb 13, 2012
Profound synchronicities are intertwined with the life of a researcher out at the edge. This is a follow-up audio clip from Jordan Maxwell. It's a companion to a post from last week, posted below.
Fireballs from heaven, the International House of Pancakes, ritual magic and giant reptilians. These are all part of this 22 minute audio excerpt.
Monday Feb 13, 2012
Jordan Maxwell / UFO encounters
Monday Feb 13, 2012
Monday Feb 13, 2012
Jordan Maxwell tells a first person experience in his youth that I found absolutely fascinating. I am posting a short (22 minute) excerpt of this audio interview. This experience took place when he was a teenager in 1959 in North Hollywood. It involves UFOs and a defining life experience.
Friday Jan 20, 2012
Whitley Strieber / interview
Friday Jan 20, 2012
Friday Jan 20, 2012
If anyone has made it to my site, there shouldn’t be any need to introduce Whitley Strieber.
His most recent book is titled SOLVING THE COMMUNION ENIGMA. During our conversation we attempt to articulate what it might mean to SOLVE this elusive enigma. In this book, and in the original COMMUNION from 25 years ago, there is a relentless kind of thoughtful questioning. It is both wide-ranging and deeply personal.
Whitley said this when attempting to define the overall phenomenon: This might be what the force of evolution looks like when it is applied to a conscious mind. This quote might seem like a clever mind-puzzle, but it forms the foundation of his recent book, and this interview.
Wednesday Jan 18, 2012
William Henry / interview
Wednesday Jan 18, 2012
Wednesday Jan 18, 2012
William Henry calls himself an investigative Mythologyst, and that’s a term I really like. I’ve followed his work for the last decade, and I am continually impressed with his ideas and insights. He has researched ancient Egyptian artwork, pre-Renaissance art, gnostic texts and hidden messages within the world's mythology.
Saturday Dec 03, 2011
Alan Abbadessa Green / interview
Saturday Dec 03, 2011
Saturday Dec 03, 2011
Alan just published a book on a subject dear to my heart, synchronicity. He payed the role of editor and collected 26 essays on the subject and compiled them under the title THE SYNC BOOK.
During the podcast Alan shares a personal experience that transcends mere synchronicty, and feels more like direct contact with a mystical overlord. This ethereal presence claims to be communicating from Sirius! This is the kind of thing that gets my attention.
Topics discussed include: The 9-11 mega-ritual, Jake Kotze, UFO’s, the contact experience, spiritual journeys, lottery tickets, 2001: A SPACE ODDESY, Charlton Heston in PLANET OF THE APES, Jared Lee Loughner and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, owls, communications from Sirius, direct gnosis, Steve Willner, David Bowman, David Bowie, stuffy academics and Osiris.
Monday Nov 07, 2011
Peter Robbins / interview
Monday Nov 07, 2011
Monday Nov 07, 2011
For over 30 years Peter worked closely with Budd Hopkins, during a chapter of history where the UFO abduction phenomenon first made it's way into the public's psyche. Together, Peter and I spend over two-hours in conversation about Budd and his life as an artist and researcher.