hidden experience audio
The focus of these audio interviews is the deeply personal challenges of UFO contact. There is a Patreon series with the same name, hosting special content for members. This podcast is hosted by Mike Clelland.
Saturday Jan 05, 2013
Freeman Fly / interview
Saturday Jan 05, 2013
Saturday Jan 05, 2013
Don't ask me why, but people who clim first hand UFO contact experience also tend to be absorbed in conspiracy research. Nobody fits that better than Freeman. I've been following this guy off and on for years and part of me is mystified and the other part is fascinated.
Freeman (a pseudonym) has a pretty impressive web presence. He has an audio podcast series as well as a huge load of videos. As i prepped for this interview I got absorbed in both. I've included two videos below, and remember, these were created by someone who's had direct contact with UFOs.
Friday Dec 14, 2012
Yvonne Smith / interview
Friday Dec 14, 2012
Friday Dec 14, 2012
Yvonne Smith is a clinical hypnotherapist who began her therapy practice in 1990. She started working with PTSD victims using hypnosis as a way to help them assisting them to work through and cope with their traumatic experiences. She observed that some of her subjects were describing a pattern of alien abduction and other close encounter experiences.
She has worked with Budd Hoppkins and Dr. John Mack as she continued her research with abductees.
Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
Chase Kloetzke / interview
Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
Chase is, among a lot of other things, a UFO field investigator. For the first hour of this interview we look into a very strange set of events in a muddy cornfield with several other witnesses. I had heard her mention this story in some other podcast, and I was amazed at the intensity, and I wanted to understand it better. We look at this one experience in great detail.
Recently, Chase left her role at MUFON after 15 years as a Field Investigator and Star Team manager. We talk about the serious problems at that very political organization and why she felt the need to leave.
Monday Dec 03, 2012
Christopher Knowles / movie talk
Monday Dec 03, 2012
Monday Dec 03, 2012
There is an almost forgotten genre of film-making that emerged in a narrow chapter of the early 1970's. Within this sub-set is a messy blending of creepy occult, ancient aliens and UFO abduction, and many of these were made for TV movies. Something weird emerged that seems quite evocative looking back on it now. The Ancient Astronaut Theory is interwoven into many of these movies. Adding to the overall strangeness is a blurring between occult satanic themes and the UFO abduction lore.
Saturday Dec 01, 2012
Peter Robbins / movie talk
Saturday Dec 01, 2012
Saturday Dec 01, 2012
Movie talk with my pal Peter Robbins. We dig into a few key movies from the 1950's with a keen focus on The Day the Earth Stood Still. Both of us ramble all over the map as we attempt to make sense of all the little treads that connect - and tangle - cinema and the UFO phenomena. (link)
Saturday Dec 01, 2012
Peter Robbins / movie talk
Saturday Dec 01, 2012
Saturday Dec 01, 2012
Movie talk with my pal Peter Robbins. We dig into a few key movies from the 1950's with a keen focus on The Day the Earth Stood Still. Both of us ramble all over the map as we attempt to make sense of all the little treads that connect - and tangle - cinema and the UFO phenomena.
Friday Nov 16, 2012
Nadine Lalich / interview
Friday Nov 16, 2012
Friday Nov 16, 2012
Nadine has had a lifetime of direct contact with non-human entities. She is a strong voice for the people who are having these direct experiences. This is a very serious subject and there are people out there who are suffering with profound challenges because of what they have experienced. Nadine is remarkably even-keeled given the intensity of what she's lived through, and that makes her testimony all the more compelling.
She wrote a book along with her therapist, Barbara Lamb, titled Alien Experiences. She shares her own first hand experiences as well as a series of other accounts from Barbra's files.
Saturday Oct 20, 2012
Chris Augustin / interview
Saturday Oct 20, 2012
Saturday Oct 20, 2012
Chris Augustin has a pragmatic and centered presence, and that's rare within this phenomenon, especially when people talk about their own direct contact experiences. We cover a laundry list of strange events in a matter-of-fact way. In this interview he states that he started researching the paranormal (including UFO abductions) when he was only 15 years old. I was impressed.
We try to dig deep into his personal encounters with the unknown, and there is an obvious kinship with my own experiences. Chris maintains a website called Aliens The Truth. This is a dense collection of reports, information and research on the UFO and other paranormal events.
Thursday Oct 18, 2012
Grant Cameron / interview
Thursday Oct 18, 2012
Thursday Oct 18, 2012
Grant Cameron is a Canadian researcher best known for his research into what the President of the United States may (or may not) know about UFOs. During the interview Grant explains how his previous "nuts and bolts" research led him to the almost mystical connection between consciousness and the UFO phenomena.
Plus, Grant shares his deeply personal involvement in a UFO flap from 1975. This took place along the USA and Canadian border in Alberta. Hearing him explain the profound amount of sightings (including his own) was absolutely riveting.
Tuesday Sep 18, 2012
Susan MacLeod / interview
Tuesday Sep 18, 2012
Tuesday Sep 18, 2012
Susan has had an almost impossible collection of experiences including owls, bats, UFOs, non-physical entities, ghosts, shadow beings, psychic abilities, healing abilities and a Near Death Experience. Having talked to her about other stuff, there is a lot more to add to this already long list. And I feel strongly that all of these things are somehow intertwined.
Plus, she has what is quite possibly the strangest Sasquatch sighting story - EVER!