hidden experience audio
The focus of these audio interviews is the deeply personal challenges of UFO contact. There is a Patreon series with the same name, hosting special content for members. This podcast is hosted by Mike Clelland.
Sunday Jun 05, 2011
Joe Montaldo / interview / part ONE
Sunday Jun 05, 2011
Sunday Jun 05, 2011
Joe is one intense dude!
Get ready, this is a whirlwind interview. This guy has a way of stating some pretty hard to grasp stuff and then just roling on to the next thing. I needed to jump in a bunch of times and get him to clairify where he got that info. I felt like I played a good role during this interview, because I got Joe to share some pretty impressive findings.
Joe Montaldo has been doing UFO research for almost 30 years. He's is Co-Founder, International Director and Spokesperson for I.C.A.R. the International Community for Alien Research. The organization's main focus is on Alien Abductions and the Alien Agenda. I.C.A.R. claims to have investigated over 5000 cases of Alien contact and abductions.
He is also the host of the on-line radio program, UFO Undercover, with a focus on the alien abduction phenomenon.
Monday May 30, 2011
Christopher Knowles / interview on the ECH
Monday May 30, 2011
Monday May 30, 2011
Christopher Knowles has coined a new term, The ELUSIVE COMPANION HYPOTHESIS (the ECH) as a way to better articulate the elusive meta-weirdness that surrounds the UFO phenomenon.
This term emerged during a series of five excellent posts on his blog, THE SECRET SUN. This set of farsighted essays paints a swirling entanglement of UFOs, Jack Kirby, Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke, ancient astronauts, synchronicities, The Watchers, science fiction, nightmares, human evolution - and - alien abductees.
We dig into all those topics, and more. I also ask him about a very creepy glowing figure he saw last summer at night with his dog, and this experience is downright (sorry to use the word, but) paranormal!
Wednesday May 11, 2011
Micah Hanks / interview
Wednesday May 11, 2011
Wednesday May 11, 2011
Micah and I ponder the mystical implications of the Wizard in the Backyard (whatever that means) and lots more.
Micah is the author of MAGIC, MYSTICISM & the MOLECULE. This book explores many of the mysteries of human consciousness that have alluded mystics and scholars for centuries. It is an in depth investigation and analyses of the convergence of psychology, the paranormal, and historical mystical practices dating back to the dawn of humanity.
Sunday May 01, 2011
Dr. Janet Elizabeth Colli
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
During the interview we ponder the term “subtle realms” as way to describe the indescribable. We attempt to name a place just beyond our grasp, what it might mean. I asked how her patients report their “altered states” of consciousness. Can you try and describe that realm. And how her role as a therapist attempt to re-access these altered states of consciousness?
During the interview I share a personal experience with, what might be, that very strange ALTERED REALITY realm. And follow it up with a funny dream of the UFO in my brother’s garage.
Dr. Colli is a therapist, and during our conversation I speak quite openly about my dealings with clinical depression. I was very tempted to edit out this section of the interview because it I talk about some very personal stuff. But I really feel that it’s relevant to some of the bigger questions that we attempt to unravel.
Wednesday Apr 27, 2011
Greg Bishop / interview
Wednesday Apr 27, 2011
Wednesday Apr 27, 2011
This is a wide ranging conversation that goes all over the map. We attempt to make sense out of some of the more elusive topics in the already confusing realm of the UFO phenomenon.
Greg is an author of a UFO book without any UFO's. PROJECT BETA is sub-titled: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth. It deals with the confusing issues that arise when the government uses UFOs as an aggressive form of disinformation, and how insanity can follow.
And just so y'know, we never really mention the book during this interviw. This seems to proove that Greg is not using my humble blog to try and shamelessly promote his book. That said, I feel strongly that you should go out and buy it.
We also look into Greg's very own UFO sighting from last month. He saw a curious object sit frozen in the sky despite high winds.
Sunday Apr 17, 2011
Phil Imbrogno / interview on high strangeness
Sunday Apr 17, 2011
Sunday Apr 17, 2011
Philip J. Imbrogno is a scientist.
That said, he sure ain’t timid about jumping into some of the deepest waters of the paranormal phenomenon and all its associated weirdness.
This interview is focused mostly on the abduction phenomenon, and how it has evolved over the decades. Plus, we attempt to connect a few dots as to how this phenomenon is intertwined with other paranormal strangeness.
Monday Apr 11, 2011
Marisa Ryan / psychic session
Monday Apr 11, 2011
Monday Apr 11, 2011
This morning I found an almost forgotten digital audio file on my computer. It was a recorded audio session with myself and a skilled psychic named Marisa Ryan. When I re-listened to it, I was struck by a a few things. First, I was impressed by how accurate she was with her set of insights about me and my on-going weirdness. The other was how freakin' anxious and tormented I sound!
This session with Marisa is just a little over two years old, and my voice from that point in my life seems a lot different than how I'm feeling today. At least I hope so. I've added some updated editorializing to the original session.
Saturday Mar 12, 2011
Nick Redfern / interview on the ETH
Saturday Mar 12, 2011
Saturday Mar 12, 2011
The acronym ETH stands for Extra Terrestrial Hypothesis, and it's long been the mainstay of how we look at the UFO phenomenon. The easy way to wrap your head around the flying saucer mystery is to simply declare that this mystery has it's home in outer space. But, there is something much more bizarre going on here, and the ETH falls apart if you really look at it. As Nick says, it's not just that it's weird, it's TOO weird.
Tuesday Feb 01, 2011
Mac Tonnies, various clips
Tuesday Feb 01, 2011
Tuesday Feb 01, 2011
This is a 14 minute clip of various interview with Mac Tonnies. His voice is strong and clear, and his ideas are just as valid now as they were a decade ago. These clips are introduced by Whitley Strieber.
More HERE.
Sunday Jan 16, 2011
Kim Carlsberg / inteview
Sunday Jan 16, 2011
Sunday Jan 16, 2011
Kim is the author of a book titled Beyond My Wildest Dreams, with illustrations by Darryl Anka. She is also the editor of a recent published book titled The Art of Close Encounters which features illustrations and first hand experiences by UFO contactees, along with artwork that depicts their memories.
This was decidedly NOT an interview, instead it was a perfectly enjoyable conversation, seemingly without any framework or direction. But, I feel like we covered more ideas more deeply than we ever could have in a standard interview format.