hidden experience audio
The focus of these audio interviews is the deeply personal challenges of UFO contact. There is a Patreon series with the same name, hosting special content for members. This podcast is hosted by Mike Clelland.
Sunday Sep 16, 2012
Mel Fabergas / interview
Sunday Sep 16, 2012
Sunday Sep 16, 2012
Me Fabergas hosts an on-line audio interview series called VERITAS. In Latin Veritas means Truth. I follow this show for a number of reasons, one being that it is really nicely produced with excellent audio quality; alas, this is sadly lacking in our podcasting realm.
Here is an excerpt from Mel’s site where he explains a little about VERITAS and himself:
I am going to borrow this quote from Jordan Maxwell. "I am an ordinary man pursuing extraordinary knowledge." That basically sums it up. Most of my expertise is in international business and geopolitics. And I know enough from other subjects but can’t claim to be an expert. That is why I created this show: To find the experts and ask those questions that can help us get closer and closer to the truth.
Wednesday Aug 22, 2012
Jonathan Talat Phillips / interview
Wednesday Aug 22, 2012
Wednesday Aug 22, 2012
Healer, media activist, and author Jonathan Talat Phillips joins me to discuss his own experiences and his book, The Electric Jesus: The Healing Journey of a Contemporary Gnostic. In this interview we talk about to his path from darkness to light.
In this interview Talat and I talk about the one subject that might get ignored in more main stream resources, we talk about ALIEN influences in his life journey. We jump back and for the between the role of Christ consciousness and the use of psychedelics in the path of the modern shamanic initiate.
Wednesday Aug 08, 2012
Lorin Cutts / interview
Wednesday Aug 08, 2012
Wednesday Aug 08, 2012
Author, researcher and radio host.
Monday Jul 30, 2012
Richard Dolan / in conversation
Monday Jul 30, 2012
Monday Jul 30, 2012
On Saturday night, July 28th, I was a call in guest for one hour on Richard Dolan's audio program, called TRUTH OUT RADIO. We spoke together about UFOs, abductions and sychronicities.
In the final minutes the topic turned to Mac Tonnies, and i brought up the essays we both wrote about cats and how they are a metaphor fort the UFO contact experience. I added an 11 minute clip from a previous podcast where I put two essays side by side, mine and Mac's.
There is also another segment where Richard gives a scathing critique of MUFON. He said what I have been thinking, and it needs to be shared!
Tuesday Jul 24, 2012
interview David Weatherly
Tuesday Jul 24, 2012
Tuesday Jul 24, 2012
David Weatherly is a paranormal investigator and author. He’s been actively researching a wide range of paranormal weirdness for over 35 years, that means he started in his teens! He is the author of the recent book The Black Eyed Children.
Since childhood, David has studied Shamanic and magical traditions with elders from numerous cultures including Tibet, Native America, Europe and Africa. When I asked if he was a Shaman, he answered: “Yes, I am.” That was the answer I wanted!
Thursday Jul 19, 2012
Charis Melina Brown / interview
Thursday Jul 19, 2012
Thursday Jul 19, 2012
There is a pattern of young women coming forward with their experiences in a really bold way. Charis is a perfect example of one of these women, and she like the others, calls herself a Star-Seed. Charis seems to match a sub-group of human kind that Dolores Cannon writes about in her book The Three Waves of the Volunteers and the New Earth. Charis fits neatly into the third wave. I’ll add that I seem to fit into the second wave, as does Charis’ father. We talk spend a lot of time talking about these separate waves of people with very telling UFO experiences.(link)
Monday Jun 18, 2012
Robert Stanley / interview
Monday Jun 18, 2012
Monday Jun 18, 2012
I feel crummy admitting this, but haven’t read either of Robert’s books. That said, I have listened to a lot of his audio interviews. I feel like I had a pretty good insight into key episodes of his life, and I really wanted to hear more because I thought he had a lot to offer. Our conversation strays well beyond the boundaries of just UFOs in the skies and alien entities in our lives. There is something far more complex going on; there is an overall richness to this phenomenon that gives me hope.
Formerly a corporate journalist, Robert is currently the editor of UNICUS magazine.
He is the author of two books on the UFO phenomenon; CLOSE ENCOUNTERS ON CAPITOL HILL (2006) and COVERT ENCOUNTERS IN WASHINGTON, D.C. (2011).
Sunday May 27, 2012
Preston Dennett / interview
Sunday May 27, 2012
Sunday May 27, 2012
I’ve always been intrigued by Preston Dennet. My only real exposure to him was from a few radio programs. My impression was that there was more going on than I was hearing in these short interviews. I mean, the guy has been researching UFOs for over a quarter of a century, he must have some ideas about what’s going on. That said, I feel like we both dug deep in this long conversation.
Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. In the last 25 years he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He is a field investigator for MUFON, a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of fifteen books and more than 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal.
Saturday May 19, 2012
Barbara Lamb / interview
Saturday May 19, 2012
Saturday May 19, 2012
There is a very curious pattern within the UFO abduction research community, more than a few of these dedicated researchers are also UFO abductees themselves. Barbara Lamb is both, she has had her own contact experiences as well as over 20 years of active research as a therapist.
Monday Mar 26, 2012
Jason Horsley / interview
Monday Mar 26, 2012
Monday Mar 26, 2012
Jason Horsley is a writer, scholar, former podcaster and misadventurer. You might know him by his pseudonym Aeolus Kephas, or Jason Kephas, or just Jake. Who and what he might be is difficult to pin down. He wrote a book that I very much liked titled THE LUCID VIEW.
I do my best to keep up with Jason's mind, and hopefully there is plenty to chew on in this interview. We also talk about God, UFO abductions, unconscious filters, Jesus, Dr. Steven Greer, the ego and the metaphoric map.