hidden experience audio
The focus of these audio interviews is the deeply personal challenges of UFO contact. There is a Patreon series with the same name, hosting special content for members. This podcast is hosted by Mike Clelland.
Friday Aug 16, 2013
Dr. John Mack / Transcending the Dualistic Mind
Friday Aug 16, 2013
Friday Aug 16, 2013
Harvard professor Dr. John Mack gave a two-hour long presentation at the International UFO Congress in 2003 in Laughlin Nevada; the title of his talk was Transcending the Dualistic Mind. This is the audio lifted from a YouTube video of his presentation. Highly recommended.
Thursday Aug 15, 2013
Dr. John Mack and Budd Hopkins in conversation
Thursday Aug 15, 2013
Thursday Aug 15, 2013
Legendary Alien Abduction Researchers Budd Hopkins and John Mack, M.D. come together to discuss what they've learned from working with people who report the experience of being abducted by Aliens. Hopkins and Mack rarely appeared together in public forums, this is a rare and heart felt presentation. Originally taped in 1997.
This is an audio transfer from a you-tube video (below). The audio quality is pretty good considering the source, the actual content is excellent.(link)
Tuesday Aug 13, 2013
Suzanne Gordon, Ph.D. / interview
Tuesday Aug 13, 2013
Tuesday Aug 13, 2013
Suzanne Gordon speaks about her research into the Near Death Experience (NDE) something she has experienced herself.
During the interview she listed off some things reported as after effects to the NDE. Everything on this checklist closely matches what is being reported by people who claim UFO abductions, enough so that I realized I needed to talk with her. She even described these folks as suffering from the trauma of enlightenment, that was something that really hit home for me.The audio posted here wasn’t meant to be a public podcast, it was just our initial hello after exchanging a few emails. By the end of two hours we both realized that we had achieved something really powerful. I am amazed at how deep we managed to dig during our conversation and I am so glad I recorded it.During our conversation she uses an acronym I had never heard before, but I like a lot. She referred to STEs (Spiritually Transformative Experiences). (link)
Friday Jun 21, 2013
Jim Moroney / interview
Friday Jun 21, 2013
Friday Jun 21, 2013
I first heard Jim interviewed on the Open Minds audio series with Alejandro Rojas. During that show he spoke at length about a 1987 abduction event that happened in the parking lot of a truck stop along the Trans-Canadian Highway. I was very impressed and I later read his book, or more correctly, listened to it. At the end of this interview I include an excerpt from his book.
Jim walks the fine line between being analytical as well as open bout the spiritual and optimistic aspects of the overall encounter phenomenon. It was this contrast that I wanted to explore, as well as his own experience as he worked to integrate these challenging life events.
The book is titled; The Extraterrestrial Answer Book with the sub-title; UFOs, Alien Abductions and the Coming ET Presence.
Friday Jun 21, 2013
audio excerpt from Whitley Strieber's Transformation
Friday Jun 21, 2013
Friday Jun 21, 2013
I am posting the final 12 minutes of the audio book Transformation by Whitley Strieber. The text is read beautifully by Roddy McDowell. This book was published in 1988 as a follow up to Communion published a year earlier.
The thoughts presented in this conclusion were written over a quarter century ago, and sadly, the UFO community (if there is such a thing) is still shy to even contemplate these ideas. To me, this avoidance of the core mystery is a sad insight into the workings of the timid human psyche.
I am posting this audio as a reminder that there are much grander questions at play than simply are UFOs real.
As a boy I remember declaring that Roddy McDowell was my favorite actor. This would have been in the era of The Planet of the Apes series and The Poseidon Adventure. My admiration remains. Whitley once commented that Roddy McDowell was very supportive of the his work.
Wednesday Apr 24, 2013
Budd Hopkins / 2007 interview
Wednesday Apr 24, 2013
Wednesday Apr 24, 2013
I was involved in a documentary on UFO abductions back in 2007. The project was never completed but we came away with some really interesting footage. What I'm sharing here is the audio from a video interview with Budd Hopkins in his New York City home. You can hear the street noise in the background, a sound I truly love.
You can also hear the nervousness in my voice as I speak with Budd. He was asking me some emotional questions and at the time I was wrapped so tight that I didn't give him very clear answers. In this audio I edit in the answers I didn't give then.
It was tense listening to the person I was then, and I was obviously stressed out as I added new audio seven years later. I swear in frustration within the first few seconds of this podcast. I should probably edit that out, but it really seems to accurately capture my state of mind.
This was a hard thing for me to create. Partially my own emotions are still so raw, but more that it just feels sad that Budd is gone. I feel absolutely blessed that I had the chance to spend time with this thoughtful and kind man.
Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
Jim Marrs / interview
Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
This guy shouldn't really need any kind of introduction, anyone who has made it to this site should be familiar with his books and on-line presence.
We cover a long list of topics in this one hour interview. Topics include UFOs, abductions, mind-control, the recent bombings in Boston, the JFK assassination, the global elite, ancient aliens, distorted time—and yes—the very nature of reality!
Tuesday Apr 16, 2013
Rob and Trish MacGregor / inteview
Tuesday Apr 16, 2013
Tuesday Apr 16, 2013
The book Aliens in the Backyard has the word synchronicity right on it's cover. The overall abduction phenomenon might seem to have a defined set of boundaries, those crumble when you examine it more closely. Then you realize it's a lot more mysterious than just little scientists coming to visit us on metal spaceships.
Trish and Rob have written a book that looks at some of the more bizarre aspects of the overall lore surrounding UFOs. Their examination of the phenomenon includes divergent topics like synchronicity, psychic experiences, the occult, planetary empaths and the military aspects. They are both professional writers and their skill shows through in the well written book. It is also a personal journey where the authors play a role, so it reads like a first person detective story.
Friday Feb 01, 2013
HANGAR 18 excerpt
Friday Feb 01, 2013
Friday Feb 01, 2013
Robbie Graham and Linda Moulton Howe team up to dig into the 1980 movie HANGAR 18 and it's CIA influence. The audio interview is played out in two parts. The movie is a heavy handed conspiracy story that premiered at the same time the Roswell crashed saucer story emerged into the public consciousness. Robbie's excellent research makes a compelling argument that something very strange happened involving the CIA, Sunn Classic Pictures, Schick Razors, NASA, The Mormons and The Knights of Malta.
The two minute audio clip seems to be part of some sort of agenda. Ham-bone actor Darren McGavin reads from a document that sounds suspiciously like something Linda Moulton Howe was asked to read in 1983.
Article with multiple links HERE.
Thursday Jan 31, 2013
Bridget Nielsen / interview
Thursday Jan 31, 2013
Thursday Jan 31, 2013
Bridget runs a website titled Hybrid Children Community. In less than a year she has had an awakening experience where she is in telepathic connection with more than one of her children. These are off-world alien human hybrid children. After starting her website she has been contacted by lots of men and women who have their own hybrid children.
Yes, I am fully aware that this is far out stuff. But it fits a very real pattern of reported experiences. What is most fascinating is Bridget's public conviction and the her lightning fast emergence onto the public stage.