hidden experience audio
The focus of these audio interviews is the deeply personal challenges of UFO contact. There is a Patreon series with the same name, hosting special content for members. This podcast is hosted by Mike Clelland.
Monday Nov 11, 2013
Bert Janssen and Heather Clewett-Jachowski / interview
Monday Nov 11, 2013
Monday Nov 11, 2013
Bert and Heather are a husband and wife team doing crop circle and ancient sacred site research in the southern UK. They also have a very powerful story to tell that features a white owl. We spend most of our time digging into that event, which took place in May of 2011.
The way this interview is framed, the white owl event is in the center of the web, and we try to follow some of the threads outward to see where they lead. I think stories are more interesting than speculation, and this interview features a wealth of really interesting stories. (link)
Sunday Oct 27, 2013
Colin Andrews / interview
Sunday Oct 27, 2013
Sunday Oct 27, 2013
Colin Andrews brought us the term crop circle. He was one of the initial team of investigators that were looking into the unusual formations that were emerging each year around the world, but with a particularly flurry in southern England.
Along with is wife and co-author, Synthia Andrews, they've just published On the Edge of Reality. This book has the lengthy sub-title: Hidden technology, Powers of the Mind, Quantum Physics, Paranormal Phenomenon, Orbs, UFOs, Harmonic Transmissions and Crop Circles. They could have added this: A bunch of really weird personal experiences too!(link)
Wednesday Oct 16, 2013
Elaine Douglass / interview
Wednesday Oct 16, 2013
Wednesday Oct 16, 2013
There is a dark side to the UFO abduction phenomenon that seems to get lost in the online podcasting scene. Elaine has been digging deep into this research, and her conclusions are at odds with many in the community. What she sees is a cautionary tale, one that challenges my own outlook on these complex issues.
Elaine Douglass has been a UFO investigator for over 25 years. She holds a masters degree from MIT in military policy. She was with MUFON for 25 years as state director of Washington DC and then Utah.(link)
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Jerome Clark from a 2009 presentation
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Extremely interesting talk given by UFO researcher Jerome Clark. He spoke after being presented the Tim Dinsdale Award in 2009. He addresses some of the stranger aspects of UFO reports and how these correlate to mystical events in history.I lifted this audio from a 4-part youtube presentation. The audio it about 38 minutes long.
Sunday Oct 06, 2013
Dr. Karla Turner's final talk from May 7th, 1995
Sunday Oct 06, 2013
Sunday Oct 06, 2013
This is an audio recording of Dr. Karla Turner's final presentation recorded in California on May 7th, 1995.
Friday Oct 04, 2013
Dr. Karla Turner / Coast to Coast AM 1994
Friday Oct 04, 2013
Friday Oct 04, 2013
This is a two hour presentation featuring Dr. Karla Turner on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell. This 2 hour interview has sort of scratchy audio quality, but really amazing content.
Wednesday Sep 25, 2013
Mac Tonnies on Coast to Coast / oct 2009
Wednesday Sep 25, 2013
Wednesday Sep 25, 2013
This was Mac's one and only appearance on Coast to Coast AM. You can hear it in George's voice, he was absolutely smitten by Mac.
Wednesday Sep 25, 2013
James Carman / interview
Wednesday Sep 25, 2013
Wednesday Sep 25, 2013
The Hidden Hand is a feature length documentary directed by James Carman. The subject is the UFO phenomenon and all it’s complexities. A few years back I got to hang out with James in my old neighborhood in New York City. I’ve seen him a bunch more times at UFO conferences where he was hard at work on this documentary.
James is a really sensitive and thoughtful guy, and this film reflects the way he looks at the challenges that are running through the overall UFO phenomenon.(link)
Saturday Sep 21, 2013
Dr. Karla Turner / audio presentation from 1994
Saturday Sep 21, 2013
Saturday Sep 21, 2013
Dr. Karla Turner was an author, abduction researcher and UFO abductee. This is the audio from a youtube presentation where she spoke at a conference in 1994. She died in 1995. This audio is two hours long. Sorry for the poor audio quality.(link)
Saturday Sep 21, 2013
Dr. Karla Turner / audio presentation from 1995
Saturday Sep 21, 2013
Saturday Sep 21, 2013
Dr. Karla Turner was an author, abduction researcher and UFO abductee. This is the audio from a youtube presentation where she spoke at a conference in 1995. She died that same year. This audio is one hour long. Sorry for the poor audio quality.(link)