hidden experience audio
The focus of these audio interviews is the deeply personal challenges of UFO contact. There is a Patreon series with the same name, hosting special content for members. This podcast is hosted by Mike Clelland.
Tuesday Aug 26, 2014
Sherry Wilde / interview
Tuesday Aug 26, 2014
Tuesday Aug 26, 2014
Sherry Wilde was living an idyllic life as a wife, mother and business owner until 1987 when her community experienced a UFO flap. This prompted her to look into her own memories of a missing time event when she was a teenager. What emerged forced Sherry to accept her involvement in a terribly challenging phenomenon.She was now faced with the indisputable evidence that she had experienced ongoing contact with extra-terrestrial beings, an it had been happening throughout her entire life. This new reality almost pushed her over the edge.(link)
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
Kewaunne Lapseritis / interview
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
I read the The Psychic Sasquatch shortly after it first came out in 1998. I had come across whisperings of psychic experiences as well as UFO sightings, in connection to Sasquatch, but this was the book I had ever read on the subject. I was kind of mystified, and the one question that was in the forefront of my mind, was who was this author? Well, I met him in February of 2014, and after about ten seconds of talking with him it all became clear.Kewaunne Lapseritis is a tall strong man who stands straight up with a power that that impressed me. He spoke about his experiences with both ETs and Sasquatch with a forthrightness in a way that I found oddly soothing. I liked the guy enormously. (link)
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
the crew from Open Minds / interview
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Alejandro Rojas, Jason McClellan and Maureen Elsberry all work together at Open Minds. We talk with me about some of the challenges of putting on a UFO conference as well as there roles as full time UFO journalists. I asked them their thoughts about the divide within the UFO community of researchers and enthusiasts, the divergence between the "love and light" crowd and the "nuts and bolts" crowd. Those might seem strong terms, but there is a whole lotta truth in these caricatures. I really noticed this tension when I was at this years conference as a speaker, my talk was decidedly on the "love and light" side of that divide. We talk together for about an hour. At the end I've added about an excerpt from an interview with Richard Dolan that happened in March of this year. The extra clip is about twenty minutes long, and we address some of the same issues that showed up in the opening part of the podcast. This interview with Rich is recommended, linked HERE.(link)
Sunday May 25, 2014
Brett Oldham / interview
Sunday May 25, 2014
Sunday May 25, 2014
Bret is the author of the book Children Of The Greys, his own account of a lifetime of traumatic alien encounters. In this book he shares his own emotions of the challenging interactions with these small gray beings. He describes mind control experiments, sexual interludes, healings, unexplainable scars, hybrids, an incredible multiple abduction with another witness and a fetus being taken and the bizarre paranormal connection. The book concludes with theories and insights into the possible alien agenda by some of the leading experts on UFO and alien abduction.(link)
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Trish and Rob MacGregor / interview on Synchronicity Highway
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Synchronicity (or meaningful coincidence) has been at the forefront of both Trish and Rob's journalistic output for the last bunch of years. The cover the topic well, with a focus on the stories as well as the speculation of what it might mean. Their latest book, a follow up to Aliens in the Backyard, is The Synchronicity Highway, with the sub-title, Exploring Coincidence, the Paranormal and Alien Contact.(link)
Monday Mar 03, 2014
excerpt from Slaughterhouse Five
Monday Mar 03, 2014
Monday Mar 03, 2014
Reading Slaughterhouse Five (1969) by Kurt Vonnegut was a defining right of passage in the 70's. Here's an 11 minute excerpt where Billy Pilgrim tries to understand time as explained by the Trafalmadorians. This is part of an audio interview with researcher Richard Dolan.
Monday Mar 03, 2014
Richard Dolan / interview
Monday Mar 03, 2014
Monday Mar 03, 2014
Richard Dolan steps out of his role as academic historian, and gets down to the challenging task of trying to untangle the frenetic weirdness that permeates the UFO abduction lore. This was a really fun and untethered back and forth conversation. We were all over the map at we attempted to dig into the stuff that too many want to ignore. We tried to examine the gulf between the Nuts and Bolts crowd and the Love and Lighters. Each divergent side of the UFO community are easily praised and ridiculed (and we do a little of both).(link)
Saturday Mar 01, 2014
Suzanne Chancellor / interview
Saturday Mar 01, 2014
Saturday Mar 01, 2014
My pal Suzanne and I finally get around to doing an interview—with each other!Suzanne has had lifelong ongoing direct contact experiences with whatever might be behind the UFO mystery. Alas, no easy answers. She runs a blog where she shares her memories and challenges, and she also has a podcast series where she interviews UFO experiencers as well as abduction researchers. (Does this remind you of anyone?)(link)
Saturday Jan 11, 2014
Brad Steiger / interview 2014
Saturday Jan 11, 2014
Saturday Jan 11, 2014
Brad Steiger is one of the hard working giants in this field. I was delighted and honored to spend an hour in conversation listening to his deep, hypnotic voice. He shares many of his owl personal experiences, and he comes across as less an author and more of a mystic.There is another excellent interview with Brad from 2011 (linked HERE). These two interviews will play well side-by-side, creating (in a sort) a full two-hour interview. The order doesn't matter, and none of the information overlaps. Each of these audio interviews are just a little over one-hour long.(link)
Wednesday Dec 18, 2013
Kelly Cahill / interview
Wednesday Dec 18, 2013
Wednesday Dec 18, 2013
This is the audio track from an interview with Australian abductee Kelly Cahill. The sound was lifted from a 5 part series of youtube videos, and they are all edited together for easier listening. This interview probably took place sometime in the late 1990's.Kelly has a remarkable and well documented case. In August 1993, the then 27-year-old Kelly and her husband and three children were driving home after a visiting a friend. On a rural road on the drive home the car was stopped by a large disc shaped craft and an abduction occurred. This event was witnessed by several other people from different locations, making it a highly credible event. This is the audio track from an interview with Australian abductee Kelly Cahill. The sound was lifted from a 5 part series of youtube videos, and they are all edited together for easier listening. This interview probably took place sometime in the late 1990's.Kelly has a remarkable and well documented case. In August 1993, the then 27-year-old Kelly and her husband and three children were driving home after a visiting a friend. On a rural road on the drive home the car was stopped by a large disc shaped craft and an abduction occurred. This event was witnessed by several other people from different locations, making it a highly credible event.There is a very interesting bit that Kelly shares about the birth of her son, it comes late in the interview at the 43:00 time count.(link)