hidden experience audio
The focus of these audio interviews is the deeply personal challenges of UFO contact. There is a Patreon series with the same name, hosting special content for members. This podcast is hosted by Mike Clelland.
Sunday Feb 15, 2009
Christopher Knowles - Impromptu session from 2010
Sunday Feb 15, 2009
Sunday Feb 15, 2009
From a post back in 2010. This wasn’t a formal interview, both of us were speculating off the cuff about what might be unfolding. We ended up overlapping the core subjects of both of our ongoing writings and viewpoints. The conversation ended up getting pretty deep, until we were pondering the search for God.
Balloons? UFOs? Are these a deep reflection of our place in the universe?
(link to the post from 2010)
Saturday Feb 14, 2009
Chapter 14 - The Owl and the White Buffalo
Saturday Feb 14, 2009
Saturday Feb 14, 2009
Chapter 13 from an Audio-book project in the works.
Thursday Feb 12, 2009
Music from THE UNSEEN
Thursday Feb 12, 2009
Thursday Feb 12, 2009
I wrote a novel!
Here's some music the was vital to the creative process!
The novel is THE UNSEEN.
Wednesday Feb 11, 2009
John Clark / audio presentation
Wednesday Feb 11, 2009
Wednesday Feb 11, 2009
This is an unsettling first-person talk on UFO contact. This is a recording of a presentation by a man using the pen-name John Clark. I read his book (POZAN, 2002) and it is extremely strange and unsettling.
You can hear the shaky quality to his voice during this presentation. He seems fragile and uneasy. In the middle of this talk he sort of awkwardly says: "... and then I tried to end it all, and I found myself in a hospital." This dramatic remark says a lot about the intensity of his set of experiences. I met John at the UFO conference where he made this unnerving presentation in 2008. My heart went out to the guy, he seemed deeply troubled by what had intersected with his life.
Sunday Feb 08, 2009
John Mack on the transformation of consciousness (from 2002)
Sunday Feb 08, 2009
Sunday Feb 08, 2009
This is the audio of a talk given by Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack at the International Conference on Altered States of Consciousness in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was recorded October 25, 2002.
The synopsis of the lecture reads: "UFO encounters, near death experiences, shamanic journeys, and spontaneous religious epiphanies all have the power to bring about a significant transformation of consciousness. By this is meant that the experiencers’ worldview, as internalized in the course of their upbringing and inculcation in this culture, is shattered. This, in turn, results in the potential opening of heart and spirit to a wider appreciation of reality and a (re)connection to realms of the sacred and divine. In this lecture I will discuss how this process occurs in specific cases, and its implications for social and cultural change."
Saturday Feb 07, 2009
Hypnosis session from 2014
Saturday Feb 07, 2009
Saturday Feb 07, 2009
I had a transcription made the audio of a hypnosis session from the summer of 2014. I wrote about that extensively at the time, and that post is linked HERE. This was a past life regression conducted by London based therapist Lorraine Flaherty.
My goal was to address the source of my bouts of clinical depression, and it was extremely successful. I experienced key moments isn what seemed to have been a past life, and a very sad death. There was a distinct change in the quality of my life that began right when I opened my eyes after the session.
This was not a hypnosis session where we tried to retrieve UFO memories. But, Lorraine did address these issues at the end of my time being hypnotized. I have included the transcript of that portion below.
When we first began, Lorraine asked me if there was anyone else (or any other energy) in the room. She asked me again later in the session, and for the next 25 minutes she asked me questions and I gave my answers. This was focused on my UFO experiences. Reading this and hearing the audio has been fascinating. I cannot in anyway vouch that what I said is true, but what I can say is that it feels truthful. It may not be a literal truth, but more a metaphoric kind of honesty.
Friday Feb 06, 2009
Lampshade dream and a blue orb
Friday Feb 06, 2009
Friday Feb 06, 2009
This was the audio on a post from 2010 that had a dead-link. I am re-adding the audio here to make sure all the links are up and live.
LINK to the post tiled: Vivid dream and blue orb
Thursday Feb 05, 2009
Palindromes Drama, as heard on NPR
Thursday Feb 05, 2009
Thursday Feb 05, 2009
I got interviewed by Robert Siegel on NPR's Morning Edition. He got some non-actors to play roles in a very short excerpt of my one-act theatrical work, THE PALINDROME DRAMA. This was a novelty play, with all dialog in palindromes. No UFOs, but it comes in with a tidy 3:33 time count.
Wednesday Feb 04, 2009
audio reading from The Messengers
Wednesday Feb 04, 2009
Wednesday Feb 04, 2009
This is my voice (the author) reading from the book The Messengers. I read the foreword, as well as two short sub-chapters. It runs about 17 minutes. I took it upon myself to read aloud and record it as a short audio file because of my voice. I've had a chest cold over the last week or so, and my normally squeaky voice is much lower.(link)
Wednesday Feb 04, 2009
Owls as Archetype read by Ryan Sprague
Wednesday Feb 04, 2009
Wednesday Feb 04, 2009
This is an audio reading of a single chapter from my ongoing owl book. The text is read by author, playwright, actor and journalist, Ryan Sprague. The chapter is still in progress, and there will be some editing and revisions before publication, but this excerpt should give people an idea of the tone of the project.(link)